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Madame Bovary

Gustave Flaubert  (Author), Lowell Bair (Translator), Leo Bersani (Introduction)

  • Paperback: 512 pages
  • Publisher: Bantam Classics (June 1, 1982)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 0553213415
  • ISBN-13: 978-0553213416

Madame Bovary: Patterns of Provincial Life

Gustave Flaubert  (Author), Francis Steegmuller (Translator), Victor Brombert (Introduction)

  • Hardcover: 368 pages
  • Publisher: Alfred A. Knopf; 1 edition (February 23, 1993)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 9780679420316
  • ISBN-13: 978-0679420316
  • ASIN: 0679420312
  • Product Dimensions: 8.2 x 5.3 x 1.1 inches

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By Lord Byron (George Gordon)

And thou art dead, as young and fair

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Waitrose-y Katie goes down the aisle again - at the supermarket: Duchess proves she has the common touch as she pushes her own trolley



The Royal Wedding diet: The secrets behind Kate Middleton's slim figure

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 by William Henry Hudson


We care for literature primarily on account of its deep and lasting human significance.  A great book grows directly out of life: in reading it, we are brought into large, close, and fresh relations with life; and in that fact lies the final explanation of its power.


Literature is a vital record of what men have seen in life, what they have experienced of it, what they have thought and felt about those aspects of it which have the most immediate and enduring interest for all of us. It is thus fundamentally an expression of life through the medium of language. Such expression is fashioned into the various forms of literary art.  But it is important to understand, to begin with, the literature lives by virtue of the life which it embodies.  By remembering this, we shall be saved from the besetting danger of confounding the study of literature with the study of philology, rhetoric, and even literary technique.

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商務英文分類字彙 及 核心字彙這兩本,對於打底應該是有用的 (且有MP3可練聽力)

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October 28, 2010

Movie Review | 'Welcome to the Rileys'

A Tidy[i] Home, Clutter[ii]ed With Weighty Emotions


Grieving parents have become such a movie staple[iii] that the theme is now a demonstrable cliché[iv]. Such grief isn’t new in movies, but the preponderance of these stories — recent examples include “The Lovely Bones,” “Creation,” “Antichrist,” “I’ve Loved You So Long” and the forthcoming “Rabbit Hole” — suggests that filmmakers believe that there’s something compelling[v] about the agony[vi] of others. To this strange canon add “Welcome to the Rileys,” about a middle-aged couple and the young stripper who comes between them with platform heels and the kind of sad eyes you used to see on the side of milk cartons.

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鼓勵法律人閱讀,讓心更軟【優良扶助律師:陳憶娟律師】 :


針對司法制度的建議,陳憶娟認為刑事案件偏重於被告的保障,給予被害人的保障卻不足,被害人在被告起訴後的參與彷彿 不見了,參與者變成只有檢察官、法官及被告,尤其在強制辯護案件,法律規定國家要指派律師給被告,而被害人則因為已有檢察官提起公訴,所以國家認為可以不 用替被害人指派律師,讓被害人覺得不公平。

陳憶娟表示,公訴檢察官和律師的角色是不同的。從 種種實務的經驗來看,大家都知道鮮少有檢察官會在開庭前去找被害人談案情或是交付閱卷資料給被害人,被害人都是在開庭前收到一張開庭通知單而已,連要替自 己申告的檢察官都不曾見過面,遑論會知道在法庭上即將面臨何種情況,因而常常在開庭時遭受被告律師的質疑和審問,造成第二次傷害。陳憶娟認為這部分應該進 行修改,當強制辯護案件的被害人也請不起律師的話,國家也應當公平提供律師,不宜完全由檢察官來代替。


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Down and Out In Paris and London.jpg eu_london3.jpg

Chapter III


It is altogether curious, your first contact with poverty. You have
thought so much about poverty--it is the thing you have feared all your
life, the thing you knew would happen to you sooner or later; and it, is
all so utterly and prosaically different. You thought it would be quite

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FOCUS FEATURES所製作的片斷讓我最為印象深刻...

調整焦距 從模糊到清晰、再加上旁邊圓形的圖樣 給人一種似乎是自己在拍攝影片的手法


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William Wordsworth's "Michael" is a narrative, pastoral poem with 484 unrimed lines. The speaker's purpose is to praise the rural life, lived close to nature.

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或許是小時候跟家人去唱歌時, 總是會聽到爸爸唱起這首讓我聽不懂歌詞的日本歌!

然而, 倒是它的旋律以及歌曲的氣勢讓我印象深刻: 喔, 原來有這麼一首日文歌曲


而在稍微瞭解日文原意再加上翻譯的中文 (儘管仍舊覺得還是日文原詞寫得有意境)後

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